Articles Posted in Divorce


Implications of Including Grandparent Visitation Clause in a Settlement Agreement or Consent Order

In the case of Slawinski v. Nicholas, 448 N.J. Super. 25 (App. Div. 2016), the Appellate Division addressed a dispute involving parents who entered into a consent order establishing rights to grandparent visitation but then later wished to abrogate those rights. In this case, a motion was brought by the mother…


Settlement When it is Right – and For the Least Possible Cost

There is a saying among realtors that the first offer is usually the best offer. Why is that?  Because the first offer is made when the property is freshly on the market. When real estate sits buyers become suspicious. There is also the cost of holding the property to factor…


Carmelo and Lala Anthony: Yes, they have a prenuptial agreement, but that does not resolve all of the issues in their divorce

This week the media was abuzz with news of the demise of another celebrity marriage, this time with the separation of professional basketball player, Carmelo Anthony, from his wife Lala Weddings rings and large bills of money Anthony. The Anthony’s have been married since 2010 and have a 10 year-old…


Good Friday Reflections on Family Law and New Beginnings

On Friday, billions of people around the world observed the Christian Holy Day of Good Friday. It marks the day that the Trial of Jesus of Nazareth occurred and when he was sentenced to death for failing to deny that he believed himself to be the Son of God. Christians believe…


Digital Healthcare Records: Should Kinsella Hit the Refresh Button?

I recently attended a seminar where the topic concerned the obtaining, analysis and use of medical records. While the main focus was how medical records were dealt with in civil litigation matters such as medical malpractice and personal injury cases, it was clear that a number of the issues discussed…


Social Security Retirement Benefits Post-Divorce

There are some points where federal law intersects with or affects the economic consequences of pending or finalized divorces. Recently one of those point of intersection was the topic of conversation of a prospective client. Her concern I am sure are shared by many. The question dealt with Social Security and how one…


What if I Need to Set Aside a Judgment of Divorce?

Going through a divorce can be time consuming, expensive, and emotionally draining, among many other things. For this reason and more, many people try to rush the process and enter into an ill advised settlement agreement  on their own in order to obtain a quick divorce and move on with their…


CAN I DO THAT? (Part 3)

This is the final installment of a current series of blog posts in which I have been highlighting some of the more commonly asked questions of divorcing clients as to whether they can or cannot do certain things in regards to aspects of their financial or personal affairs. Once again,…

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