
New Jersey Divorce and Family Lawyer Blog



If only for a sliver of time, a joyous occasion made everyone in the world forget all of its trials and tribulations. North Korea, Gaza, the Mueller investigation, MS13 – mere distractions. A divided nation, a divided world came together as one to witness the Royal Wedding between Price Harry…


Use of Cohabitation Agreements to Protect Unmarried, Cohabiting Romantic Partners Upon Separation

In modern society, it is common for unmarried couples to live together without being married.  When an unmarried cohabiting couple separates, however, the rights to equitable distribution and alimony does not exist.  No matter how long an unmarried couple has lived together, they do not have the legal rights and…


New Jersey Appellate Court Affirms Decision to Deny Termination of Parental Rights of Parent with Multiple Sclerosis

On May 3, 2018 the New Jersey Appellate  Division published the case of DCPP VS. T.D., R.C. AND R.G., IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF M.G., B.C. AND A.G. (FG-20-0040-13, UNION COUNTY AND STATEWIDE)(CONSOLIDATED) (RECORD IMPOUNDED) (A-4918-15T1/A-4923-15T1), an Opinion affirming the trial court’s decision to not terminate the parental…


Surrogacy No More: Will Gestational Carrier Agreements Finally Achieve Legal Recognition?

  For the third time since 2012, the New Jersey lawmakers have passed legislation that would allow persons to enter into gestational carrier agreements; namely for the intended parents to enter into a contract with a woman 21 years of age or older to become pregnant by assisted reproductive technology…


The Many and Varied and Intertwined Reasons Why Alimony and Child Support Obligations Get Revisited

In an unpublished decision in the matter of  T.M. v. R.M., A-4724-16T3 (App. Div. April 5, 2018), the Appellate Division considered a plaintiff’s appeal of the trial court’s denial of his motion to modify his alimony and child support obligations based on changed circumstances. At the time of the parties’ divorce,…


Parental Rights and Obligations of Sperm Donors in New Jersey

How does the law define what constitutes a parent and who is a parent?  According to New Jersey’s Parentage Act, a “parent and child relationship” is “the legal relationship existing between a child and the child’s natural or adoptive parents, incident to which the law confers or imposes rights, privileges,…


The Motion for Reconsideration: Not a Second Bite at the Apple

It is not uncommon for a litigant to be dissatisfied with a court’s order. Even if you think you have a solid case, there is no guarantee that the court will see things your way.  Additionally, judges do not always get it right.  When a court makes a legal error,…


The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is not Absolute in New Jersey and in the United States of America

The tragic and senseless massacre that unfolded this past Valentine’s Day at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida has left a grieving Nation searching for answers. Much of the debate focuses on the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution which states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free…


Some Implications of the New Tax Code on the Support of Children

At the end of 2017, Congress passed the long awaited Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which was a sweeping tax reform act that broadly amended the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.  Tax rates were lowered in general for businesses.  As for individuals, the tax code may be more…

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