Various blogs have been written by members of our firm about situations where a custodial parents wants to move with the parties’ children to a state other than New Jersey. Can a custodial parent live wherever he/she wants within the State of New Jersey? Can a non-custodial parent ask a…
Articles Posted in best interest
Is the Law in New Jersey Drifting Towards a Presumption of Joint Physical Custody and Parenting Time?
When custody disputes arise, I often consider the Biblical narrative, 1 Kings 3:16-28, which tells the story of how King Solomon resolved a custody dispute of sorts between two women who lived in the same home. The women came before King Solomon, each claiming to be the mother of the…
Allocating Parenting Time With a Breastfeeding Child
More and more women are choosing to exclusively breastfeed given the reports as to the superior health benefits, not just physically but psychologically, of breast feeding. Arranging parenting time between divorced or separated parents of a child who is still breastfeeding poses issues not just with overnight parenting time but…
The Effect in New Jersey of a Non-Relocation Agreement on the Primary Custodial Parent’s Request to Relocate to Another State
Historically, New Jersey case law did not favor allowing a custodial parent to relocate another state with a child. However, the major advancements in technology which allow people to remain in constant contact with each other and the ease with which one can travel interstate has shifted the tide. Under…
Appellate Division Clarifies the Standard to be Applied When Considering Applications for Custody and Parenting Time of Third Party “Psychological Parents”
On August 6, 2014, the Appellate Division published the decision in KAF v. DLM., in which the Court clarified the standard that family courts are to apply when considering applications by a third party seeking custody and/or visitation and claims that he or she is a “psychological parent” to a child who already…
Custody Disputes in New Jersey – What are the Terms That You Need to Understand?
Custody disputes can sometimes remind me of the Biblical story of King Solomon (1 Kings 3:16-28). In this story, King Solomon is tasked with resolving an argument between two women in the same household, each of whom claimed to be the mother of an infant son. King Solomon fetches a sword…