
Articles Posted in Gift


Are You Worried That Your Spouse is Hiding Assets?

V. Stiviano, the former mistress of former Los Angeles Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, is being sued by his wife of over 50 years, Rochelle Sterling.  In her suit, Mrs. Sterling is seeking the return of gifts that Mr. Sterling purportedly gave to Ms. Stiviano.  Among the gifts Stiviano apparently received…


Ring Giver Beware!

A recent story on the Internet deemed newsworthy enough to go international and even be reported on various radio and TV outlets prompted me to revisit the issue of how the law deals with disputes involving “engagement rings”. In an earlier blog, Engagement Rings: Conditional Gifts and the Family Court,…


New Jersey Supreme Court Clarifies the Standard to Determine Whether Transfers of Property Between Family Members Are Gifts

It is well settled in New Jersey that when there is a question of whether a transfer of property was a gift or not, “Proof of gift requires evidence of unequivocal donative intent on the donor’s part, actual or symbolic delivery of the gift’s subject matter, and the donor’s absolute and…

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