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When meeting with a prospective divorce client during the initial consultation, after discussing the reasons for the breakdown of the marriage and obtaining the background information as to any financial and custodial issues, invariably the client will ask: Continue reading ›

According to a March, 2013 publication from the National Center for Family & Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University, authors Susan L. Brown and I-Fen Lin discussed the divorce rate for adults over the age of 50 in their article elderlyentitled “The Gray Divorce Revolution: Rising Divorce among Middle-aged and Older Adults, 1990-2010”.  Continue reading ›

file0001679856317In my last post, I described the various items and expenses that are specifically built into the calculation of a child support obligation pursuant to the Child Support Guidelines in an attempt to explain and describe what a child support obligation is meant to cover.  In addition to the automatic and mandatory expenses built into the Child Support Guidelines calculation of child support, there are a number of expenses that should be included, if they are incurred by a particular family, in the calculation of child support.  Continue reading ›

coupleWe often hear about palimony when celebrities are involved.   One early notorious palimony case was the palimony litigation between actor Lee Marvin and his paramour, Michelle Triolla, which was in litigation for several years in California after Ms. Triolla (who adopted the surname Marvin) contended that she cohabited with Mr. Marvin for a number of years and that Mr. Marvin promised to support her for life. Continue reading ›

Wedding rings and moneyCurrently pending in the New Jersey State Senate and the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee are identical bills, which by their terms, would amend New Jersey’s alimony statute, N.J.S. 2A:34-23.  Since the Divorce Reform Act of 1971,  N.J.S. 2A:34-23 has been amended on seven occasions. Each time the design of the amendment was to bring the statute into conformity with case law as it had developed by the courts.  The Office of James P. Yudes, P.C. has been instrumental in shaping laws on support to dependent spouses and children in the court system through the development of caw law. Continue reading ›

As I was relaxing on the beach during a recent vacation listening with guilty pleasure to a local Top 40 radio station, Ryan Seacrest and his band of cohorts interrupted the music to discuss the pros and cons of a new model for marriage that had been posited on the Internet and picked up with some seriousness in the mainstream media – a 10 year marriage contract.  Continue reading ›

625807_the_rings     The process of deciding and moving towards a divorce is a vexing and stressful time for anyone.  We ask our friends and families questions:  some stupid, some obvious, others befuddling and perplexing about what we should do when our marriage is not going as we had hoped or planned.   Continue reading ›

     The decision to seek a divorce is often difficult and painful.   There is uncertainty about your future and possibly your children’s futures, and you may likewise be uncertain about what the Family Court process actually entails with regard to getting a divorce.   Described below is a very brief outline of the matrimonial litigation process:

1409593_gavel_31.  The Complaint for Divorce

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